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A place where when one person speaks others listen.

Book Club

"Drawing room meeting of minds about books, held in an informal atmosphere."

A book club is a place where individuals with an interest in books can meet to discuss their common love of books, and to exchange ideas.

A book club is best when it is easily accessible and available locally in your area. You can setup a book club of your own in your area, or join a book club which already exists. The book club you setup can be broad in scope, or it can be narrow. A narrow book club might be restricted to discussions of a certain genre or type of literature, or limit by the total number of people allowed to join. Other factors such as languages spoken and whether you are going to charge a fee, for example, to cover the cost of refreshments, should also be considered.

A successful book club is generally structured and formalized over time, but which allows its members maximum freedom of expression and participation. A book club can be a good place to connect with people with a similar taste in books, and shared interest like yours.

If you would like to setup a book club of your own, send us an email and include information such as language and cost. If you would like to join an existing book club, send an email to the Book Club contact you see below directly, introducing yourself.

Book Club

# Languages NIS Day Period Region City/Yishuv Contact
1 Eng/Heb 10 Mon Monthly Center Jerusalem/Maalot Dafna iommeister@gmail.com
2 Fre/Heb 15 Tue Biweekly Center Tel Aviv Contact
3 Heb 10 Wed Triweekly Center Jerusalem Contact

Note: Weekly means once a week, Biweekly every second week, Triweekly every three weeks, Monthly every month, Bimonthly every two months. Languages, English is Eng, Hebrew is Heb, French is Fre.